Saturday 30 April 2016

First Post; Ceviche!

Hello to any readers of our Food & Culture Blog! Our blog is dedicated to showing and telling our readers about different cultures of the world and their exquisite cuisines.

We are a group of students from Macquarie University. The class that this blog was made for was ISYS100. Our group consists of 5 people; Alex, Hanxi, Tommy, Jenny and Jennifer. We are in Ed Moore's Thursday tutorial 3-4, from Semester 1 2016.

Every week, the blog will be updated with several blog posts about a dish from a different culinary culture and some background information or facts about it, as well as where this dish can be eaten in Sydney. Personal opinions on that dish or culture may also be posted!

Now to get started... Alex will be posting about South American food!

Here is one of my favorite and one of the world's most well known Peruvian dishes; Ceviche!

The dish is composed of boneless fish chopped into slices, as well as selected vegetables which provide not only color but a unique taste to each bite, these vegetables are generally, tomato, onion slices, and a assortment of green leaves (Mint, Coriander, Spring Onion).

This Dish is a traditional and home hit, due to it's unique and encompassing taste making it wonderful for both parties or special occasions.

I have had Ceviche for many years and have loved every single time I have had it, living in a South American household this dish is not often prepared and usually reserved for special occasions, to add onto the rarity, most south american cuisine restaurants fail to encompass the taste and origin of the dish. This dish in a cultural fashion shows South America's specifically Peru's Coastal bounty, which was developed over 2000 years ago!

I love this dish, and I personally would recommend it to anyone - a Healthy meal which isn't to difficult to prepare!

- Alex

We hope you enjoyed reading our first post about this dish, and also a little introduction about us. This is only the beginning of how many food posts we have to share! Keep updated and bookmark our food blog, as you will not want to miss our latest food posts!! Thank you.

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