Wednesday 4 May 2016

Chinese Dumplings -----By Hanxi

When people talk about China they will also know this is a country which has a long history. China also has many traditions, food culture is one of that.

Dumpling one of the most famous Chinese food.

Dumplings are around of plant made and with fillings inside. The fillings can be made of meat, vegetables and seafood -- they can have different mixes up to more than hundreds of different types of fillings. Dumplings can also be cooked in different ways. They can be can steam pan-fried, boiled and even cooked in soup.

Because dumplings have many different types of fillings, people will eat dumpling when they have a family dinner. This is because there is more people to eat all the different types of dumpling and the preparation of the different fillings would all be eaten.

The most important thing is the shape of dumpling. In tradition, the way that the dumpling is made is that so it is the shape an old type of money which people used in early than 300 years. Some people like to eat dumpling in the Chinese New Years as it can mean get more wealth/money in the New Year.

Thank you for reading :)


Wikipedia. 2016. Dumpling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2016].

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