Saturday 7 May 2016

Mapo tofu----by Hanxi

Mapo tofu is one of the popular Chinese dish from Sichuan province. It consists of tofu set in a spicy chili and bean-based sauce. Materials are tofu, minced beef or minced pork, chili and pepper, etc.
Ma is for the pepper's taste, po is for " popo" which is means old woman .But for the beginning of the Mapo tofu , the words Ma is the pock on the founder's face , so people often call her Mapo, and she is the first person who cooked this. Many people like this , and more people learn to cook. So after this , people named this dish to Mapo tofu.
People who like spicy most like this dish, different people will cook this dish in different ways,also is want to suit for more people ,so some restaurant cook this dish in vegetarian way .


Schrecker, Ellen with Shrecker, John. Mrs. Chiang's Szechwan Cookbook. New York, Harper & Row, 1976. p. 220.

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